Our systems come standard with industry-leading, manufacturer-backed warranties – so you can spend more summers staying comfortable in your home without worrying about unexpected HVAC repair costs! Talk to Harbin for details, or visit: https://on.jci.com/42ZVRAD
Summer IAQ Tips
Summer means fun in the sun, family vacations and, unfortunately, seasonal allergies. But you don't have to sniffle your way through! Here are a few, quick tips to help conquer the cough and boost your home's indoor air quality all summer long! And for the highest level of air quality in your home, consider installing one of our IAQ products: https://on.jci.com/3MpHrCC
• Change your air filters regularly
• Wash and brush your pets outdoors
• Install additional IAQ units for increased comfort
• Remove your shoes when entering your home
Easier System Charging with Charge Assurance Technology
Undercharged AC systems (systems that don't have enough refrigerant) are a common problem and lead to higher cooling costs during summer. In fact, an undercharged system can result in little to no cooling at all! Fortunately, our YZV heat pump and YXV air conditioner feature Charge Assurance™ technology, giving your contractor a quick and accurate way to charge your system with the correct amount of refrigerant during installation or maintenance. https://on.jci.com/3WulUNE
HVAC Troubleshooting Guide
Notice an unfamiliar noise coming from your ductwork? Is your thermostat in constant need of adjustment? Before calling your HVAC contractor, take a look at our troubleshooting guide. You might be surprised at how easy it is to address minor issues on your own! https://on.jci.com/3R19rx7
Which Dehumidifier Is Right For Your Home?
Take the confusion out of choosing the best dehumidifier for your home with our dehumidifier selection tool. Simply follow the guided survey and find the perfect dehumidifier for your needs! http://ow.ly/GKao30sq8c6
Simple Maintenance Can Help Save On HVAC Electric Costs
On average, air conditioning accounts for 12% of monthly electric bills in U.S. households. But simple system upgrades and routine maintenance can help improve efficiency and reduce utility bills. Saving on air conditioning costs can be as simple as changing filters, cleaning vents or updating your thermostat. Learn more about easy ways to save, here: https://on.jci.com/3Iru83u
HVAC Glossary
Confused by all the terminology and acronyms used in the HVAC industry? Take a look at our HVAC glossary (that's heating, ventilation and air conditioning, by the way) to learn what it all means: http://ow.ly/eZsh50JImfr
Tips For Improving Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) At Home
Improving the indoor air quality (IAQ) of your home doesn't have to be a chore. Follow these tips to help improve your home's IAQ, and check out these resources: http://ow.ly/ZyUU30sj4hV
Take off your shoes once you come inside
Clean drapes and dust blinds
If pollen/irritants are low, open your windows for fresh-air flow