Heat pumps are having their moment right now in HVAC, and for good reason. The glow up can be attributed to considerable advancements in heat pump technology, making heat pumps more efficient, more flexible and more affordable to own.
But many homeowners aren't entirely sure what a heat pump is, and why they may want to replace existing equipment like furnaces, boilers and stand-alone air conditioners.
In short, a heat pump doesn't create heat – rather, it transfers existing heat from one area to another, and can provide both heating and cooling throughout the year. Many newer heat pumps use electricity rather than gas and can help you save on monthly heating and cooling bills. Find out more about our full line of innovative, high-efficiency heat pumps: https://on.jci.com/3SIlIZC
-Heat pumps cool and heat your home throughout the year
-Modern heat pumps are exceptionally efficient and use electricity rather than other fuel sources
-Many newer heat pumps are much more efficient that older HVAC products, like furnaces or even older-model heat pumps
-Heat pumps can be used in tandem with gas furnaces to create a dual fuel system for use in especially cold climates