Two-Stage Cooling: How You’ll Benefit from The Harbin Heating and Air Conditioning Blog
With energy prices on the rise, many homeowners are making the decision to upgrade to more efficient air conditioners. Your options are plentiful, but one of the best features you can choose in a new system is two-stage cooling. A two-stage system can provide you with both optimal energy savings and comfort in your southern home.What is two-stage cooling?
The air conditioner that you are replacing is probably a single-stage system. These systems are capable of running on only high speed, regardless of the weather. They are fine for those days in Mississippithat are especially hot and muggy. But there are plenty of days in this region when the weather is milder, and you don’t need high-speed operation. A two-stage cooling system is capable of automatically switching between high and low, depending on the weather demands. It will run on low much of the time, but as soon as the temperature becomes very hot, it will ramp up to the higher speed to ensure optimal comfort.
What are the benefits of two-stage cooling?
You will see a significant drop in your utility bills. Because a two-stage air conditioner runs on high only when necessary, your system will use the exact amount of energy required to keep you comfortable. In addition, your two-stage system will stave off that infamous Mississippihumidity. Your cooling system will run at the energy-efficient lower speed for a long time, instead of shutting off when your desired temperature is reached and going on again when the temperature in your home rises. The continual low-speed operation helps to ensure that your home is effectively dehumidified. This not only boosts your comfort, but also improves your indoor air quality, as excess humidity can promote the growth of mold and mildew. Yet another benefit of two-stage cooling: It runs more quietly.
For expert advice on the ways you can benefit from two-stage cooling and other matters related to home comfort, contact the professionals at Harbin Heating and Air ConditioningInc. We have been serving residents of North Mississippi, West Tennessee, and North Alabamasince 1988.
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