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With the fall season upon us and winter right around the corner, this is the ideal time to perform some routine maintenance on your HVAC unit to ensure it is ready for the colder months ahead. Preventative maintenance is the best way to ensure your unit will continue to function properly and help you stay ahead of the game so you can avoid costly repair bills.
Here are some easy fall and winter HVAC tips for performing a quick maintenance check on your HVAC unit to ensure it is working properly:
Check for Any Drafty Spots In Your Home
While this doesn’t require you to physically check your unit, this is still an important thing to keep in mind. If the doors and windows in your home are letting in drafts, your unit will have to work twice as hard to warm your home. However, if you can locate any problem areas before the cold weather hits, you can seal them up to prevent cold air drafts which will allow your HVAC unit to function better.
Replace Air Filters
If the air filter in your HVAC unit is dirty it will prevent air from flowing freely through the system. An ideal time to check and replace them when necessary is before the winter weather arrives. When you inspect the air filter, look for signs of buildup of dirt or dust on the filter. Even if there is minimal buildup in your air filter, it’s a good idea to clean the filter. It’s an even better idea to simply replace the filter. This small maintenance tip will ensure you unit is running efficiently. Air filters should be replaced or cleaned often, a good idea is to check them with each new season’s arrival.
Check the Vents
You should get in the habit of checking the vents of your HVAC unit every so often – a good way to remember is to check them when you check your air filters. A dirty vent can create problems like spreading dust or mold in your home.
Make Sure the Registers are Set Correctly
To ensure you don’t waste any of the heat being produced by your HVAC unit in the winter months open and close the registers as needed to heat only the parts of your home you want to heat. This small tip can save you a lot in the long run. Just be careful not to close too many registers, as it would create an imbalance of air pressure in the system.
Reprogram Your Thermostat
As the days grow cooler this is a good time to reprogram your thermostat. If you have a programmable thermostat it’s a good idea to lower the temperature during times when no one is home to save on both money and energy. If you don’t own a programmable thermostat or need to replace your thermostat we have many options available.
Get a Professional HVAC Inspection
Another winter and fall HVAC tip to consider is whether it’s been a while since you’ve had a professional inspection. If so, now is a good time to schedule one. Ensuring your HVAC system is well maintained keeps the unit efficient in both functionality and energy consumption. Your HVAC unit should be professionally inspected at least twice a year – which is why we offer residential maintenance plans to ensure your unit runs efficiently all year long.
Consider Replacing Your HVAC System
If your HVAC is older than 15 years, you may want to consider replacing the system. Older units tend to be less efficient and more costly in the long run. This is especially true if you notice that your energy bills are very high.
Taking just a little time as the seasons change to check on your HVAC system and ensure everything is working as it should will go a long way in lowering your energy bills and increasing the life of your HVAC system. Taking these HVAC tips for winter into account is important for maintaining your system. If you need to schedule an inspection of your unit or believe it’s time to replace your old one, give us a call today or contact us here.
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