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What is Indoor Air Quality?

At home and at work, everyone wants the peace of mind that they’re comfortable and, more importantly, safe. This is especially true during the international pandemic involving COVID-19. A common misconception is that by installing an air conditioner or air purifier, all the steps for safety are taken. Studies say that’s not the case, and that special attention should be given to Indoor Air Quality (IAQ).

What is Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)?

IAQ refers to the cleanliness of air inside buildings, including homes and businesses, which can affect the health of those frequently in these spaces. Even with an air conditioning system, IAQ can suffer, particularly if a technician is not regularly checking the system. Pollutants, poor ventilation, increased humidity, and even cleaning products can have a negative effect on IAQ.

How can I improve my IAQ?

The first step to improve Indoor Air Quality is to always consult with a professional technician. They may have simple solutions or guidance to help improve your IAQ, or they will be able to identify more serious problems. Your technician may encourage the installation of an ionization system, like iWave, to assist with air purification.

The system uses positively and negatively charged ions, which are ejected into the indoor environment. These ions attach to pollutants like bacteria, viruses, and other unwanted particles, and pulls them into the air filter. The system then breaks apart these molecules, meaning they are no longer a danger to anyone.

Where can I learn more about IAQ and iWave?

Harbin Heating & Air has decades of experience with air quality, conditioning, and purification. Give us a call or send us a message, and a technician will quickly respond to set up a time to check out your heating and air system to offer solutions.

While the technician may offer other suggestions while they prepare to install any updates, they can provide additional insights regarding IAQ and iWave. Particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, research has proven that ionization systems offer cleaner, safer living and working environments.

Call us today at (731) 689-3651 to see if iWave is the next step towards safety for you!