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How does a humidifier help to combat dry winter air?

There’s a joke in the South that it’s not the heat, but the humidity that gets to you. In the summertime, high percentages of humidity make 90+ degree days ‘feel like’ it’s over 100.

When the air gets cooler, the air gets dryer on account of less water vapors floating around. While a nice break from the sweaty days outside, the absence of humidity during winter can be more troublesome for both your health and home air conditioner.
Here is some helpful information on why you should use a humidifier in your house during the winter months.

For your health

Contrary to those decrying humidity’s grip in the summer, it’s quite essential in parts for healthy lungs and skin. Complete lack of water vapors in a condensed space can be the root of several pestering issues such as dry skin, chapped lips, asthma, snoring, and even bacterial transmission.

A 2013 study found that by having your home’s humidity levels at 43% or higher significantly reduced the potential to airborne viruses flu-related illnesses to 14% compared to 70-77% of lower humidified households.

For your property

Dryer air not only poises risks to your internal health, but also the integrity of several common household structures. Things such as wooden doors, floors, crown molding, and other furniture can experience bubbling, cracking, and gap formations if the air around it has been sucked of the proper amount of moisture.

If unchecked, such problems could be costly with repairs or replacements. Looking out for your wallet leaves us with one more thing..

For your HVAC

Of course, the reason that brings you here, is your current heating and air unit. You’ve spent a great deal having it installed and serviced, so how does winter’s humidity affect it in the long run?

Heating your home with a furnace in the winter pulls in moisture from already minimally humid air. While essential for personal comfort, a total lack of humid will cause your heater to do more work than you’d like, causing you to frequently adjust your thermostat and make your unit work extra hard. Parts can become damaged with strenuous output, necessitating
The right balance of proper levels of humidity and a functioning system from Harbin Heating and Air is the best fit for both your health and belongings.

Don’t know where to start? Call Harbin and speak with one of our technicians about what humidifier best works for your home!