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Should I Turn My Unit Off While I'm Away?

Contrary to presumptions, turning your unit off and on can cause additional stress on your HVAC unit. But does that mean you shouldn’t turn it off…ever? Even on vacation?

In short, your unit should always be on

This doesn’t mean you have to always keep it at the lowest temperatures in the summer or the highest temperatures in the winter. In fact, the Department of Energy suggests turning the temperature up (or down, in the winter) dramatically when you’re not home.

But turning your unit off completely means that when you do turn it back on, the HVAC unit will have to work harder to get your home cooled off than if you’d simply turned the temperature up to the energy efficient temperature.

Consider a smart thermostat

It can become a nuisance if you have to turn your temperature up or down every day when you leave for work and again when you get home. Investing in a smart thermostat can alleviate the headache while also conserving energy and lowering your utility bill.

Most smart thermostats even allow you to have different settings for different events – occupied, unoccupied, at work, and on vacation. The vacation setting, in particular, allows you to use a calendar feature where you can detail the dates you’ll be gone and what the temperature should be at night and during the day until you get back. When you do return home, the temperature will be comfortable – like you never left!

For questions about smart thermostats, vacation temperatures, and suggested maintenance or upgrades, reach out to a Harbin HVAC technician today!